Pengumuman Tes Penerimaan CPNS Bekasi
Berdasarkan Hasil Pemeriksaan Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) Seleksi Akademik Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah (CPNSD) Kota Bekasi Tahun Anggaran 2008 dari Pusat Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi (PUSKOM) Universitas Indonesia, dengan ini kami umumkan peserta yang lulus seleksi.
Hasil Ujian CPNSD Kota Bekasi Tahun Anggaran 2008. (Dibutuhkan program Adobe Acrobat Reader untuk membuka link pengumuman CPNSD ini)
Job Vacancy Telecomunication
Alcatel's Engineer
PT. Prima Solusindo Utama is the leading services provider in telecommunication industry. We currently seeks experienced and professional personnel in Telecommunication field to fill in the following position:
Task Responsibility:
* Responsible to installation quality that is done by the team
* Responsible to site, which is done
* Do troubleshooting
* Conducting integration and commissioning
* Putting the schedule and implement taking over the job to the client (ATP)
General Qualification:
* Age Max.35 years old
At least 1 year experience as engineers, especially for the Alcatel's devices
* Education at least D3 in Department of Telecommunications
* Can speak English oral and written
* Can use the measurement tools such as: Bertest, Power meter, Site Master, and TEMS
* Ability to perform commissioning and especially Troubleshoots Alcatel's devices.
* Understanding the Basic Telecommunications Network
If you are qualified for the above position, please sent your resume and full CV including expected salary using MS. Word format and recent photograph within 2 (two) weeks since this advertisement to email :
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Pengumuman Hasil Ujian CPNS Kota Bekasi 2008
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Friday, 21 November 2008
Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS Kota Depok 2008 2009
Diposkan oleh Lowongan Kerja Label: cpns, lowongan kerja
Nomor : 800/3224
Berdasarkan surat Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor : B/195.P/M.PAN/10/2008 Tanggal 31 Oktober 2008 Perihal : Persetujuan Rincian Formasi CPNS Daerah Tahun 2008 dan Keputusan Walikota Depok Nomor : 871/SK.45/Peg/2008 tentang Tambahan Formasi CPNS Daerah Kota Depok Tahun Anggaran 2008, dengan ini Pemerintah Kota Depok membuka kesempatan untuk menjadi CPNSD Kota Depok Formasi Tahun 2008, sebagai berikut :
II. Syarat Pendaftaran :
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun dan paling tinggi 35 tahun dihitung sampai dengan 01 Februari 2009, bagi Tenaga Pendidik dan Tenaga Kesehatan setinggi-tingginya 40 tahun bagi mereka yang bekerja pada instansi pemerintah atau lembaga swasta yang berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional secara terus menerus dengan masa kerja 11 tahun 10 bulan dihitung sampai dengan 01 Februari 2009 (sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 11 Tahun 2002) dengan melampirkan fotocopy sah Surat Keputusan/bukti pengangkatan pertama sampai dengan pengangkatan terakhir, dari kepala/pimpinan instansi pemerintah/lembaga swasta nasional yang dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
3. Sehat jasmani dan rohani berdasarkan surat keterangan dokter pemerintah.
4. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan.
5. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Anggota Kepolisian Negara, atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
6. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil/Pegawai Negeri Sipil.
7. Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian dan ketrampilan yang diperlukan.
8. Mempunyai integritas tinggi dan berkelakukan baik.
9. Tidak menjadi anggota atau pengurus parpol.
10. Berasal dari sekolah/Akademi/PTN/PTS yang terakreditasi atau telah mendapat izin penyelenggaraan dari Dirjen DIKTI.
III. Ketentuan Pendaftaran
1. Lamaran dikirim melalui Pos tercatat mulai tanggal 15 s.d 24 November 2008 (stempel pos) dengan menggunakan amplop FLATE RATE yang tersedia di Kantor Pos.
2. Bagi pelamar yang mengirim lamaran sebelum dan sesudah tanggal ditetapkan tidak akan diproses.
3. Tidak menerima surat lamaran yang diantar langsung.
4. Surat lamaran ditulis tangan sendiri dengan tinta hitam dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh pelamar (bermaterai Rp. 6000,-) dengan mencantumkan :
* Nama lengkap (semua gelar pendidikan dituliskan dibelakang nama)
* Jenis kelamin
* Tempat/Tanggal lahir
* Alamat jelas (Jalan, Dukuh/Kampung, RT/RW, Kelurahan, Kecamatan, Kabupaten dan Propinsi)
* Nomor telepon rumah dan HP bila ada (telepon yang mudah dihubungi)
* Jenis Jabatan, Kode Jabatan
Surat Lamaran dilampiri dengan :
* a. Pas photo terakhir hitam putih terbaru ukuran 3 X 4 sebanyak 3 lembar. Dan dibaliknya ditulis nama dan alamat pelamar.
* b. Fotocopy ijasah yang dipersyaratkan dan transkrip akademik, yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang (legalisir stempel basah)
* (Ijasah sementara / surat keterangan lulus / bukti yudisium tidak berlaku)
* c. Fotocopy Akta II / IV bagi tenaga pendidikan (legalisir stempel basah).
* d. Fotocopy Surat Keterangan Wiyata Bakti bagi Tenaga Pendidikan dan Tenaga Kesehatan yang berusia lebih dari 35 Tahun s/d 40 Tahun dilegalisir oleh Pejabat Dinas Pendidikan dan Dinas Kesehatan setempat (legalisir stempel basah).
* e. Foto copy Surat Keterangan pencari kerja/AK1 (kartu kuning) dari Dinas Tenaga Kerja yang masih berlaku dan dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang (legalisir stempel basah)
* f. Asli surat keterangan sehat dari Rumah Sakit atau Dokter Pemerintah.
* g. Menyertakan amplop balasan yang berukuran 23 x 11 cm dengan dibubuhi FLAT RATE yang tersedia di Kantor Pos, dengan menuliskan nama dan alamat lengkap pelamar serta nomor telepon yang mudah dihubungi (Contoh penulisan terlampir), bagi yang tidak menyertakan amplop balasan yang dibubuhi FLAT RATE dan alamat yang jelas tidak akan dibalas.
5. Berkas lamaran dimasukan ke dalam Map sesuai dengan warna Jenis formasi (Contoh penulisan terlampir) dan dimasukkan kedalam amplop coklat ukuran 35 x 24,5 cm, ditujukan kepada :
Yth. Walikota Depok
PO. BOX CPNS 2008 Depok 16400
dengan menggunakan amplop FLATE RATE yang tersedia di kantor pos. Pada ujung kiri atas amplop lamaran ditulis “Perihal : Lamaran CPNS, Jenis Formasi, Nama Jabatan, Kode Jabatan dan Kualifikasi pendidikan dan Kode Jabatan”. (Contoh penulisan terlampir)
Warna Map Jenis Formasi :
- Tenaga Pendidik = Hijau
- Tenaga Kesehatan = Kuning
- Tenaga Teknis = Biru
6. Lamaran yang memenuhi syarat (MS) akan diberikan balasan disertai dengan tanda peserta ujian/nomor test.
IV. Pelaksanaan Seleksi
1. Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi (seleksi Tahap I), akan diundang untuk mengikuti seleksi Tahap II berupa test tertulis, yang akan dilaksanakan pada :
Hari : Minggu
Tanggal : 07 Desember 2008
Jam : 08.00 WIB
Tempat : (diumumkan 2 (dua) hari sebelum pelaksanaan tes di Balai Kota Depok & Website )
Materi :
a. Test Kompetensi Dasar yang meliputi :
- Test Pengetahuan Umum
- Test Bakat Skolastik
- Test Skala Kematangan
b. Test Kompetensi Bidang
2. Keputusan kelulusan ujian ( Tahap II) akan diumumkan pada hari Sabtu tanggal 20 Desember 2008 dan keputusan tersebut bersifat mengikat dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Pengumuman dapat dilihat di :
- Kantor Balai Kota Depok, harian Monitor Depok dan Website
(tidak ada pemberitahuan lewat surat)
V. Lain-Lain
1. Berkas lamaran yang sudah dikirim menjadi milik panitia (tidak dikembalikan)
2. Pelamar yang tidak memenuhi syarat tidak akan diikutsertakan dalam test.
3. Pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Depok, 12 November 2008
Job vacancy Palang merah
American Red Cross (Banda Aceh)
Closing Date: 20-12-08
The American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program (TRP) had been established to direct the organization’s response to the South Asia tsunami disaster. The TRP activities focus on integrated community recovery and preparedness interventions in tsunami affected countries in Asia and East Africa in collaboration with Red Cross and non-Red Cross partners. Please visit
The Indonesia TRP Delegation operates from offices in Banda Aceh, Calang, Lamno. It also has liaison offices in Jakarta, and other areas in Aceh province in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross.
The American Red Cross seeks dynamic individuals to fill the :
Sr. IT Officer
Supervises IT officer delegating work as necessary
Administer Windows Server 2003, MS SQL Server.
Schedule, perform, and monitor backups; performs data recoveries.
Administer, monitor and maintain network infrastructure and cabling, including firewall, routers, wireless access points, VPN router, and switches.
Provide day-to-day technical support and guidance to staff
Regularly discusses and coordinates with senior management in regards to operational and administrative matters relating to IT equipment, systems and personnel requirements.
Regularly liaises IT staff from IFRC
Ensures availability of sufficient IT equipment, spare parts and manages the disposition of broken/liquidated equipment with Logistics
Establish systems and implements protocols identified in safety and security work plan
Managing all Links and Wireless Connectivity and monitors gateway traffic
Up-grade and Improve of Network (LAN / WAN) as necessary
Provide IT related support to field offices visiting them frequently
Liaise with service providers for WAN, Internet
Assist in policy formation & socialization
Ensure secure operation of all servers and services though the use of security and encryption tools
Administer and support DNS, mail, web, VOIP, FTP and SMS gateway services.
Monitor system logs and activity on all servers.
Research, install, and test software updates and patches to supported applications and operating systems.
Document and log all changes to system software and configurations.
Respond promptly and professionally to bug reports.
Compile and record equipment repair and works tracking tools
Other duties as assigned.
At least a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or related areas
Able to handle multiple priorities simultaneously; strong problem solving skills
Experience with administering MS Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server
Experience configuring and administering DNS and Active Directory
Expert Knowledge of Windows XP/Vista, PHP, MySQL, Office 2003/2007, other software applications including: graphic design, image editing, video editing, and etc.
Knowledge of Network Security, LAN/WAN architecture, VoIP, and Firewall/Router/Switch configuration
Knowledge of Cisco solutions, especially Cisco Unified Communication System is plus
Experience working with an international organization a plus
Please submit your application and curriculum vitae to put Job title in Subject line. Only applications in English and short listed candidates will be notified. Applications submitted after December 5, 2008 will not be considered.
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Info Penerimaan CPNS Sumsel Sumatera Selatan 2008
Penerimaan CPNS Sumsel Sumatera Selatan 2008
Mulai Hari Senin (17/11) Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Sumsel menerima calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS) untuk formasi penerimaan tahun anggaran 2008-2009. Formasi ini untuk umum, Adapun formasi khusus wilayah Pemprov Sumsel sebanyak 214 orang mayoritas formasi untuk pendidikan dan kesehatan.
Jumlah formasi tiap kabupaten/kota tidak sama sekitar 250-an sehingga diperoleh total keseluruhan penerimana CPNS se-Sumsel sekitar 3.000-an.
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat melihat langsung di kantor BKD Sumsel, samping kantor Gubernur Sumsel Jalan Kapten A Rivai Palembang.
Job Vacancy
Lowongan Kerja Swasta
Dekon Group
Closing Date: 17-12-08.
Dekon group was established in 1981 to undertake both civil and building construction. We believe quality is a commitment we shall not compromise and we are always searching for dynamic individual to be part of our aggressive team (to be based in Indonesia and Malaysia).
Civil Engineer
Degree in Building Construction, Civil Engineering or equivalent.
Possess 3 - 5 years working experience in medium and high rise building construction projects, civil and infrastructure projects which includes roads, dams, bridges, ports and etc.
Technically competent to solve problems that arise from structure and architecture works.
Knowledge in basic structural design and system formwork is an added advantage.
Well versed in project management software such as PRIMAVERA, Microsoft Project and AutoCAD.
Possess good interpersonal, communication, time management and site management skills.
Self motivated, hardworking and able to work independently under intense pressure.
Willing to travel & good command in both spoken and written English Language
Plan, implement and monitor the weekly schedule to ensure project targets are met.
Develop, monitor & execute project plan (include timeline, resources & cost), tracking & updating.
Ensure that site material wastage is within budget.
Ensure that measurement claims are prepared and submitted promptly.
Study, highlight and resolve any discrepancies in drawings / BQ and specifications.
Liaise with relevant parties and authorities including subcontractors, transporters and suppliers.
Manage risk, people and progress according to schedule and budget.
Able to create documentation, compiling reports and perform Quality Assurance inspection on the projects.
Level 6, Menara Sunway,
Jalan Lagoon Timur, Bandar Sunway,
46150 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Penerimaan CPNS Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) 2008
Penerimaan CPNS BPPT 2008
Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) membuka peluang karir dengan status Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Bila Saudara memiliki idealisme untuk menerapkan kompetensi dengan mengembangkan kajian dan terapan IPTEK dapat bergabung bersama kami.
Info detil silahkan Klik disini
Job Vacancy Technical
Company Description
Technical Support for Water Treatment & Waste Water Treatment
Diploma/ Bachelor degree major in Chemical Engineering
Having minimum 4 years experience in Boiler Treatment, Cooling Water Treatment, Waste Water Treatment
Proficient in Laboratory Analysis
Having wide networking in Industrial, Hotel, Building
Able to operate computer (Microsoft PowerPoint, AutoCAD)
Good presentation skill
Have own vehicle
Fluency in English
Willing to travel outside Jakarta
Please send your complete resume to:
Job Career Manufacturing
A PMA Steel Grinding Media Manufacturing company, located in Cilegon area is looking for managerial position to support its growing business.
Bachelor (S1) degree of mechanical or electrical engineering, with Min GPA 3.0
Male, 35 age minimum
Min 5 years of working experience in manage Steel Processing Plant
Must be willing to work at Cilegon area, prefer Cilegon or Serang area residence
HSE Knowledge and experience is a must
Read & written English is a must
Computer Literate
The Selection will be done in Cilegon
If you meet the above requirement, please submit your application with detail resume & your recent photograph to:
HR Department
PT Commonwealth Steel Indonesia
Jl Australia II Kav I-1
Kawasan Industri Krakatau Steel
Cilegon-Banten 42443
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Info Penerimaan CPNS Departemen Agama (Depag) 2008, Jateng
Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS Deparetemen Agama Jawa Tengah 2008
Kanwil Departemen Agama (Depag) Jateng pada tahun 2008 akan menerima sebanyak 344 calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS) dari alokasi formasi umum. Dari jumlah itu, 7 CPNS ditempatkan sebagai tenaga teknis pada Kanwil Depag. Adapun 337 CPNS lainnya ditempatkan sebagai tenaga teknis dan guru pada Kandepag Kabupaten/Kota. Perinciannya penyuluh agama Kristen 1, penyuluh agama Katolik 1, penyuluh agama Islam 48, penghulu 10, guru pada MIN 276, guru pada MTsN 136, dan guru pada MAN 55.
Waktu pendaftaran pelamar 17 - 20 November 2008. Untuk formasi Kanwil pendaftaran di Kanwil Depag Jateng Jl Sisingamangaraja 5 Semarang, sedangkan untuk formasi pada Kandepag pendaftaran di Kandepag Kabupaten/Kota. Nomor tes dapat diambil pada tanggal 21 - 25 November. Pelamar, lanjut dia, tidak dibatasi wilayah domisili, sepanjang masih berada dalam Provinsi Jateng.
Dijelaskan, surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Menteri Agama RI ditulis tangan. Lamaran dilampiri fotokopi sah STTB/ijazah dan transkip nilai, pasfoto 3X4 dua lembar (hitam putih), fotokopi KTP, fotokopi sah surat keputusan pengangkatan sampai dengan yang terakhir sebagai tenaga wiyata bakti bagi yang memiliki. Syarat lainnya, pelamar serendah-rendahnya berusia 18 tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun (pada 1 Januari 2009).
Bagi pelamar yang berusia lebih dari 35 s/d 40 tahun dapat pula mengajukan lamaran jika memiliki wiyata bakti sampai dengan 1 Januari 2009 minimal 11 tahun 09 bulan secara terus-menerus pada instansi pemerintah atau yayasan yang berbadan hukum.
Lowongan Perusahaan Lain
Job vacancy Jawa Tengah
PT Tempindo Jasatama
Closing Date: 6-12-08.
Our client, an Agricultural Company is in urgent need to appoint high achiever candidates who are expected to mark significant contribution for the advance development of the company's operation
Field Operation Manager - Seed Suply
(Jawa Tengah)
Ensure adherence to Vehicle & filed safety in production operations
Ensure supply of high quality hybrid seed to meet domestic markets in time & volumes
Achieve target volumes of seed within the budget and time lines
Support budgeting process specifically in the area of field costs
Comply with QMS requirements and upgrade the system to bring in continuous improvement
Engage people talent to deliver improved business results & develop people to meet changing requirment
Review people development process & develop succession plans
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Science/Agriculture or equivalent.
Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
Have experience and knowledge in: Seed research, parent seed and hybrid seed production, seed drying, shelling and seed conditioning
At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
have skill and abilities in: Networking, People Management & Development Effective Communication, Budget Management, Inter-personal, Peer Management, Strategic Thinking and Risk Taking
Full-Time positions available.
Please send CV to:HUMAN CAPITAL / PT Tempindo Jasatama Mid Plaza II, 12th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11 Jakarta 10220 Fax: 021-5733791 E-mail:
Job Vacancy
PT Supranusa Indogita
Closing Date: 11-12-08
Immediately Required
We are National Rubber Products Manufacturing for domestic and international market with 15 years experience in industrial and looking for highly motivated talents, committed and open minded individuals to support our manufacturing expansion through the following positions :
Assistant Production and Operational Manager (AM)
(Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Papua)
Male or Female, min 30 years old
Having min Bachelor in Engineering (S1) degree with GPA>3.00
Having min. 4 years experience in industrial environment
Able to work under pressure
Computer literate (Windows/Excel/Word/etc)
Strong leadership with good managerial and communication skills, smart, energetic, have a good integrity with high sense of responsibility required
Familiar with ISO 9001:2000
Ability to speak Mandarin will be a benefit
If you meet the above requirements and are interested in joining our dynamic team and organization, please send your recent application letter and resume with a recent photograph within 2 weeks of this job vacancy to :
Jl. Surabaya - Krian KM 25,
Ds. Keboharan, Krian
Sidoarjo 61262
Or send email to :
*Kindly indicate position applied for on the left-hand corner of your resume
Only short listed candidates will be notifying*
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Pendaftaran CPNS IAIN Walisongo Semarang & STAIN Salatiga
Pendaftaran Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS IAIN Walisongo Semarang Tahun 2008 (Terima 14 CPNS)
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Walisongo Semarang akan menerima 14 calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS) dengan formasi dosen dan tenaga teknis. Mereka akan ditempatkan di lingkungan perguruan tinggi itu.
Pendaftaran dibuka pada 17-20 November 2008 di Bagian Kepegawaian lantai III, gedung rektorat kampus 1 IAIN.
Untuk formasi dosen, yang dibutuhkan meliputi bidang ilmu falak dengan kualifikasi pendidikan S2 ilmu falak/astronomi, hadits (S2 hadits), analisis laporan keuangan (S2 akutansi), komunikasi (S2 komunikasi), manajemen transportasi (S2 manajemen transportasi/ manajemen pemasaran), psikologi dan operasionalisasi alat tes psikologi (S2 psikologi/ psikometri), public relation (S2 public relation), dan dosen statistik (S2 statistik).
Tenaga teknis yang dibutuhkan, kata dia, meliputi pranata komputer dengan kualifikasi pendidikan S1 teknik informatika/komputer, perencana (S1 ekonomi/perencana pembangunan), pengadministrasi jabatan fungsional (S1 administrasi negara/hukum/sospol/ekonomi/ keagaaam Islam), verifikator keuangan (S1 akutansi), penyusun rencana pengadaan perlengkapan (S1 administrasi negara/komputer), dan penata laporan keuangan (S1 akutansi).
Tiap formasi membutuhkan seorang calon pegawai negeri sipil, seleksi berkas administrasi dilaksanakan 18-20 November, sedangkan pengumuman dan hasil seleksi berkas administrasi serta penyerahan nomor tes pada 21 November. Ujian tertulis 6 Desember dan pengumuman kelulusan 22 Desember. Ujian tahap II calon dosen 23-24 Desember dan pengumuman kelulusannya pada 27 Desember.
Untuk penerimaan CPNS STAIN Salatiga Waktu pendaftaran dan persyaratan administrasi sama dengan IAIN Walisongo. Sedang Formasi yang dibutuhkan dapat dilihat langsung di kampus STAIN Salatiga.
Jobs career
Laras Asri Resort & Spa
Closing Date: 2-12-08
The Laras Asri Resort & Spa is an oasis boutique resort ideally situated minutes from downtown Salatiga in Central Java's emerging “ Golden Circle “. Salatiga is in fact one of the oldest and most beautiful small towns in Central Java, it was called “ de schoonste stad van midden Java” during the Dutch Colonial period. It also enjoys easy acces to and from Semarang, yogyakarta, Solo's airports and railway stations.
We are looking for a skilled and motivated candidates to join with our team to fill the position as :
1. Front Office Supervisor / Duty Manager
(Jawa Tengah - Salatiga)
Max age of below 35 year old
Min Hotel Diploma D3
Min 2 years experiences as Senior Front Desk
Guest Service Oriented
Out-going personality
Team Player
Independent under minimum supervision
Excellent communication (English & Bahasa)
Well groomed
Interpersonal skill, High integrity, Discipline
2. Laundry Supervisor
(Jawa Tengah - Salatiga)
Max age of below 35 year old
Diploma D3
Min 1 year experiences in the same position
Mastering of Laundry and Dry Cleaning Equipment
Guest Service Oriented
Out-going personality
Team Player
Independent under minimum supervision
Excellent communication (English & Bahasa)
Well groomed
Interpersonal skill, High integrity, Discipline
Kindly send your CV with recent photograph, by writing the position applied to :
Human Resources Departmnet
Laras Asri Resort & Spa
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 335
Salatiga 50732
All application will be treat confidentially and only the qualified candidate will be called and considered for an interview.
Job Career
PT Jurnalindo Aksara Grafika (Bisnis Indonesia)
Closing Date: 11-12-08
PT Jurnalindo Aksara Grafika need qualified person for position:
Branch Manager Semarang
(Jawa Tengah)
Male/ Female, 35 - 42 Years Old
Have good knowledge strategic of marketing on Semarang area
Able to develop sales in Semarang area
Have a leadership
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Marketing or equivalent.
Required language(s): English.
At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Managers specializing in Marketing/Business Development or equivalent. Job role in Business Development or Market Research.
Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Willing based on Semarang
Please send your application to e-mail: before 30th November 2008.
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Lowongan CPNS Jawa Timur 2008, Penerimaan Kota Malang
Lowongan Pendaftaran CPNS Kota Malang Jawa Timur
Untuk Informasi lengkap silahkan Klik disini
Job vacancy Nopember
PT Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa
Closing Date: 9-12-08
Great Opportunity For the Great People
We are a long established general insurance company in Jakarta with many branches through Indonesia. In the course of our change and growth we are looking for talented and committed people with a continuous record of achievements for the position of:
Management Trainee
(Aceh, Bali, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Utara, Sumatera Selatan, Yogyakarta)
Fresh graduate from any discipline from a reputable university with minimum GPA 2.80
Male & Female with maximum age 25 years old
Wiling to be placed in our branches all over Indonesia (Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, Denpasar; Tanjung Pinang, Makasar, Manado, Malang, Solo, Semarang, Pekanbaru, Yogyakarta, Pontianak, Palembang, Samarinda, Batam and Banda Aceh)
Must have an interest in pursuing career in the Insurance Business
Management skill, strong leadership, inter-personal and organizational skills, high achievement and target oriented, creative and innovative
Computer literate and proficient in office application tools
Fluent in written and spoken English and have excellent communication skills
Knowledge of insurance business would be an advantage
Those who are looking for a challenge and to start the career in a progressive organization should send their comprehensive CV including certificate & transcript academic, recent photograph to:
PT Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa
Graha Irama Bld, 10th. Floor
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-1, Kav. 1 & 2
Jakarta Selatan 12950
via e-mail to:
(at the latest 2 weeks after this advertisement)
All applications will be treated in professional confidence
Only short-listed candidates will be notified
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Lowongan CPNS 2008
Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor
KEP/360/M.PAN/10/2008 tanggal 22 Oktober 2008 tentang Formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Tahun Anggaran 2008, BPS membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Republik Indonesia yang berminat menjadi CPNS di lingkungan BPS dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
Untuk Informasi lengkap silahkan Klik disini
Job Vacancy Terbaru
A member of Global Tire Cord Fabric Manufacturer, is looking for highly qualified and dynamic candidates for :
Bachelor degree (S1) in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering from a reputable university with minimum GPA of 2.75
Fresh graduate or maximum 2 years experience in manufacturing/project
Maximum age 30 years old
Good analytical thinking
Energic, hard worker, disciplince, initiative, and team work
Strong in communication and interpersonal skill
Fluent in English both oral and written
Interested applicants are requested to send their CV, complete with a photograph to the following address or email:
HR Group Manager, PT. INDO KORDSA, Tbk.
Jl. Pahlawan, Desa Karang Asem Timur, Citeureup, Bogor 16810
Job career Lowongan Mesin & Kimia
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Lowongan CPNS D3 S1 dan S2 Mahkamah Konstitusi
Info Lowongan CPNS D3 S1 & S2
NOMOR 1711/KP.03.00/XI/2008
Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor KEP/376/M.PAN/11/2008, tentang Formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi Tahun Anggaran 2008, dengan ini Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi memberi kesempatan kepada seluruh Warga Negara Republik Indonesia untuk menjadi Calon PNS di lingkungan Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut;
Info Lengkap silahkan Download disini
Job vacancy 4 positions
Company Description
PT. Fumakilla Indonesia is a foreign investment company with core business of household insecticide requires young and energetic and highly motivated candidates to fill the following positions:
Requirements :
Male, age between 30 ~ 36 years old.
S1 Degree, majority Industrial Engineering, GPA > 3.
Experiences as engineering min. 3 years, preferably in insecticide or pharmacy industry.
Tangerang Based
Requirements :
Male, age between 20 ~ 25 years old.
S1 Degree, majority Chemical Engineering from reputable university, GPA > 3
Fresh graduated
Tangerang Based
Requirements :
Male or Female, age between 25 ~ 30 years old.
S1 Degree, majority Chemical Engineering from reputable university, GPA > 3.5
Fresh graduated is welcome but having experience of chemical analyst or research institute is preferably.
Tangerang Based
Requirements :
Male, age between 25 ~ 30 years old.
S1 Degree, majority Chemical Engineering from reputable university, GPA > 3.
Have Experience 3 years in Marketing or R&D or QC or Academic Research.
Tangerang Based
All applicants must be able to speak both written and oral English and computer literate. If you meet the above requirements, please send your application with complete CV and recent photograph, academic transcript and expected salary.
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Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Info Pendaftaran Lowongan CPNS Depkominfo RI
Pendaftaran Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS Depkominfo 2008
Job vacancy
Nomor : 483 /SJ.2/KOMINFO/11/2008
Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo), untuk formasi tahun 2008 memberi kesempatan kepada warga negara Indonesia untuk mengikuti seleksi penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS), sebagai berikut :
Pendaftaran lamaran hanya dapat dilakukan melalui website Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika mulai tanggal 8 Nopember 2008 sampai dengan tanggal 12 Nopember 2008 jam 24.00 WIB.
Pelamar yang sudah mendapatkan bukti pendaftaran harus menyampaikan berkas lamaran disertai bukti pendaftaran untuk dikirim ke PO.BOX yang sudah ditentukan mulai tanggal 8 s/d 13 Nopember 2008 (lihat point 4).
Info lengkap silahkan Klik di sini
Job career lain
Company Description
Are you passionate to make a difference?
Are you committed to deliver the best of you?
Do you dare to make new things happen?
PT. Global Innovation Technology a fast growing National company, specialized in the providing Innovative IT Security Solutions for Major Telco's and Bank's in Indonesia and the Asean Region.
We urgently required Experience and Potential Candidates for the following position:
IT Network Engineers (INET)
Male / Female
Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from a related major
Have a good knowledge in TCP/IP
Familiar with Router and Switches Configuration
Preferably CCNA or CCNP certified
General Requirements:
Positive attitude, strong Interpersonal and communication skills
Team Player and Creative
English Proficiency
Good Analytical and Problem Solving skills
Successful candidates will get the necessary training and development to commensurate their jobs
Send your application, stating your intended job position with your complete Curriculum Vitae and latest passport photo to our Human Capital Manager by Email:
Job Opportunities
Millennium Penata Futures, PT.
Facts about the PT. Millennium Penata Futures
Founded in 2000, PT. Millennium starts its first office in Jakarta, Menara Kebon Sirih We have our own research & analysis team , popularly known as FinanceRoll.
Online Trading system officially known as Millennium Trader 4.
PT Millennium Penata Futures has established 19 branch offices in 12 cities.
Reputation and Performance
PT Millennium Penata Futures has always provide a high quality and professionals financial services to all of its clients for years and has successfully achieved a satisfactory reputation of company's performance in fulfilling the need of clients. Having its central office domicile in the business centre of Jakarta. Presently, PT Millennium Penata Futures has established 19 branch offices in 12 cities Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, Kediri, Jember, Makassar, Bali, Batam, Pekan Baru, Balik Papan, Jayapura.
IT - Web Programmer
Requirements :
Candidate must posses at least a Bachelor's Degree or at least 2-year experience in the related working field, fresh-grads are encouraged to apply.
Male/female, max 28 years old.
Excellent skill in PHP, mySQL, and Joomla
Able to modify and use Joomla extensively
Familiarity, capability and mastery in AJAX, MS Access, Javascript, Dreamweaver, editing Softwares, etc will be a plus
Able to code, decode, recode
Able to work under pressure, meet deadlines.
Self motivated and have a good sense in designing.
All applications are treated with strict confidentiality and only short-listed candidate will be notified.
Please send in your application with recent photograph and curriculum vitae in ZIP/RAR format to
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Friday, 31 October 2008
Lowongan CPNS Departemen Pertanian (Deptan)
Penerimaan CPNS Nopember 2008
Departemen Pertanian membuka pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Departemen Pertanian Tahun Anggaran 2008 untuk ditempatkan pada Kantor Pusat dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) lingkup Departemen Pertanian di seluruh Indonesia.
Info Lengkap silahkan Klik disini
Lowongan Kerja Lainnya Bidang Pertanian Swasta
Job Vacancy
Agro Group
We are a well established foreign conglomerate having business interest in Oil Palm Plantations, Breweries, Financial Services and Leisure. Agro Group is the Groups’ plantations in Indonesia who has a land bank in excess of 60,000 hectares of plantations and mills in Kalimantan Tengah and Kalimantan Timur. In line with our expansion plans and commitments for growth, we are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic professionals to be based in Kalimantan.
Estate Manager (Base on Sampit - Kalimantan Tengah)
(Kalimantan Tengah - Sampit)
Bachelor Degree in Agriculture or related disciplines
Minimum 5 years experience in a well-known plantation company, with atleast 2 years of managerial experience
Good technical background in the related fields
Preferred age between 35–45 years
Good command in Indonesian & English languages both oral and written is a must
Strong leadership qualities, self motivated, positive attitude & high level people managment skills
Ability to work independently, is well - organized, performance-oriented, meticulously detailed, strong analytical skills & ability to work as part of a team,
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Manage estate activities under his supervision in accordance with the group plantation policies and ensure that it is maintained in good agricultural condition.
Responsible for the execution of the budget program for the estate. Regularly monitor productivity of harvesters and overall productivity in terms of executing budget programs, and devise and implement operational tactics to improve same.
Maintain proper coordination between the estate and the mill, ensure adequate operational controls exists at plantation level to ensure crop quality, and wastages and losses are minimised, ensuring the target yield levels are achieved from each of the plantation fields coming under his estate.
Ensure proper allocation of labour, estate vehicles and other equipment among the different divisions and different activities so that the optimum level of productivity is achieved from the utilisation of the available resource to their maximum.
Ascertain the requirement of plantation materials, timely ordering & ensure their proper utilisation and maintenance of records relating to the material utilisation.
Provide routine reports & estate level performance/progress reports and other agronomy data to the Management on a regular basis.
Ensure that the estate staff are motivated and disciplined.
If you got what it takes to take on the challenge, please submit your application within two weeks indicating the job code of the post applied in the subject column to:
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Info Penerimaan CPNS Kabupaten / Kota se Jawa Tengah 2008
Pendaftaran CPNS untuk Kabupaten dan Kota se Provinsi Jawa Tengah dibuka serentak Tanggal 4 - 16 Nopember 2008 .
Berikut info khusus untuk CPNS Kota Semarang : (Kabupaten/kota lainnya persyaratan hampir sama persis, kecuali kab. Sragen melakukan penerimaan secara mandiri) :
CPNS Semarang :
Pendaftaran CPNS Kota Semarang hanya dilayani via pos. Pengiriman berkas lamaran secara langsung atau tidak memakai jasa pos dianggap tidak berlaku dan gugur.
pendaftaran dilayani mulai 4-16 November per cap pos. Berkas lamaran harus diterima Tim Pendaftaran Pengadaan CPNS, paling lambat dua hari sebelum hari pendaftaran berakhir.
Berkas lamaran CPNS Kota Semarang dialamatkan kepada ’’Wali Kota Semarang PO BOX BKD Kota Semarang 5000’’. Surat lamaran ditulis tangan tanpa materai ditujukan pada Wali Kota Semarang.
Berkas itu harus dilampiri fotokopi ijasah (bukan ijazah sementara/keterangan lulus/bukti yudisium), fotokopi transkrip nilai, fotokopi KTP, pasfoto hitam putih ukuran 3x4 sebanyak empat lembar. Seluruh lampiran yang berupa fotokopi, harus dilegalisasi oleh pihak yang berwenang.
Selain itu, pelamar harus terdaftar pada kantor Disnakertrans, dibuktikan dengan kartu pencari kerja (AK 1/kartu kuning), memiliki Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK), sehat jasmani/rohani dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter pemerintah, serta surat bebas narkoba dari unit pelayanan kesehatan pemerintah.
Lowongan Kerja Lain
Lowongan Tambang PT Sinarmas mining
Our group is one of the world-largest natural resources based companies with operations in Indonesian archipelagos. One of our subsidiaries in Coal Mining is currently expanding and looking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:
Head of Geologist
S1 Geologist
Male/ Female, age maximum 40 years old
Having more than 10 years experience in Exploration & Open Cut Mining Operation
Job Description:
Develop & Manage Exploration Plan
Develop Geological & Geotechnical System
Generate & Up date Geological Procedures
Responsible for reliable Geological Model
Manage & Develop Safety System within department
Develop an Integrated Database & Reporting System
Please drop your complete CV to:
Vacancy Terbaru
National Coal Company; 7 positions
November 11, 2008
Expand your career in National Coal Company (PKP2B, 3rd GENERATION) which also provides integrated service in mining, shipping, trading, and financial across a number of operational locations in Kalimantan & Sumatra area.
Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in Geology,
2. Minimum of 7 years in geological sectors in project management, design and implementation of coal exploration and evaluation projects to pre-feasibility level,
3. Minimum of 5 years in initiating new projects, planning of proposed new projects and the resources required,
4. Experience in relevant software including GIS, MapInfo, AutoCAD and 3D modeling,
5. Experience in handling good relationship with government and society.
Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in Mining Engineer,
2. Have a minimum of five (5) years mine planning experience in open pit coal mines, including site infrastructures and reclamation plans,
3. Experience with development of short, mid and long term mine plans for the budgeting process, including estimates of fleet requirements, consumables, staffing level,
4. Understanding of a multiple-facet operation preferred (i.e. understanding of crushing, sampling, drilling, processing, etc), PC proficiency required, AutoCAD highly desired (AutoCAD or similar program required).
MODELING GEOLOGIST – Central Kalimantan
Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree majoring in Geology,
2. Intimate familiarity with software database together with 3 years upper experience and hands on knowledge of exploration & mining software programs such as Mine Scape, Surpac, or similar software (essential),
3. Mine site experience in field or Desktop Study as Modeling Geologist will be highly rewarded,
4. A strong technical background in mine and exploration geology. Familiarity with reserve estimation techniques, pit optimization programs and techniques would be an asset.
MECHANICAL ENGINEER – Central Kalimantan
Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering,
2. Having basic engineering design and calculation, familiar with detail drawings, shop drawings, mechanical plans manually or using AutoCAD is a must,
3. Minimum 5 years of proven track record within a similar role as Mechanical Engineer for mining or construction projects,
4. Good knowledge in mechanical designs, materials and problems at site.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEER – Central Kalimantan
Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering,
2. Minimum 5 years of proven track record within a similar role for mining or minerals projects,
3. Excellent understanding of Electrical Engineering, Mining or Minerals construction phase experience a must,
4. Well developed computer literacy skills especially with regard to electrical and planning software.
Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in Accounting, CPA preferred,
2. 5 years professional accounting experience in accounting/taxation, financial statement and analysis including Standard Operation Procedures at mining, coal trading, shipping, financial and export-import with supervisory experience is preferred,
3. Proficient in Microsoft Office applications,
4. Ability to work in a time sensitive environment with tight deadlines,
5. Willing to travel to site frequently.
SAFETY OFFICER – Central Kalimantan
Experience Required:
1. S1 degree in engineering related discipline,
2. More than 4 years professional safety experience in mining projects,
3. Understanding of Occupational Health and Safety law and regulations,
4. ISO Standard Quality certification, First Aid certification are a must.
Please send your updated resume, copy of supporting document and expectation salary to:
HR Manager or PO BOX 1229 JKP 10012
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Lowongan CPNS Departemen Kesehatan RI
Penerimaan CPNS Depkes 2008 2009
Departemen Kesehatan RI membuka seleksi penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) yang akan ditempatkan di kantor pusat dan seluruh Unit Pelaksana Teknis milik Departemen Kesehatan di daerah. Kesempatan ini terbuka bagi seluruh Warga Negara Indonesia baik pria dan wanita lulusan D-III/DIV/S1/S2.
Info lengkap silahkan Klik disini
Job Vacancy Lain
PT Fondaco Mitratama
We are a dynamic and growing medical distribution company that provide a wide range of product and service that help hospital and health care institutions, looking for:
Product Specialist (PS)
(Jakarta Raya)
Closing Date: 22-11-08.
Male/Female, max 31 years old, graduated from Medical Doctors, Information Technology (IT), Electro Medic, Electrical Engineering or handling Clinical System equipment min 2 years.
Around 1-2 years experience Medical Healthcare Company or pharmaceutical business (Cardiology, ICU, Operating Theatre will be an advantages)
Having driving license (A or C ) and Having own vehicle is a must
Communicative, Excellent written and spoken English IS A MUST, able to speak Mandarin is strong advantage;
Excellent Presentations skills, having knowledge in Sales & Marketing.
Willing to travel, able to work under pressure in team and independently.
If you fit the above criteria please send your application comprising detail resume, recent photograph, reference and copies of your professional qualifications by quoting ref code (NOT MORE THAN 100 KB), to the address below:
HRD Department
PO BOX 3389
Jakarta 10033
Email to:
Only short listed highly qualified candidates will be processed !!!
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Monday, 20 October 2008
Penerimaan CPNS BPK Nopember 2008 (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan)
Lowongan CPNS BPK 2008
Nomor : 01/S.Peng/X- X.3/10/2008
Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia, lembaga negara yang mempunyai tugas pokok memeriksa pengelolaan dan tanggungjawab keuangan negara, membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia, pria dan wanita, lulusan Sarjana dan Diploma III untuk diangkat sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan II / III dan ditempatkan pada Kantor Pusat/Kantor Perwakilan BPK-RI di seluruh Indonesia dengan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut :
Informasi lengkap website CPNS BPK-RI Klik disini
JOb Vacancy Finance - Lowongan Keuangan / Accounting lainnya
PT Cheil Jedang Indonesia
Closing Date: 18-11-08
PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia (visit, a subsidiary of global business networks of CJ Group in South Korea, is becoming The Global Food & Bio Company through people, technology and speed.
PT CHEIL JEDANG INDONESIA is currently having vacant position as:
Accounting Officer
(Jakarta Raya)
Male, max 27 years old and single
Hold S1 Degree in Accounting
Tax Brevet certificate
Good command of written and spoken English
Computer literate (Microsoft Office Excel is a must)
Your application will be treated confidentially. Please send your applications letter with CV and recent photograph not later than 2 (two) weeks after this advertisement to:
Human Resources
Menara Jamsostek 21st Floor,
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 38, Jakarta Selatan - 12710
(Only short listed candidates will be notified)
Company Description
In line with our continued growth and expansion we are looking for a Head of Finance for the oil palm plantation business unit
This position will organize day to day of Finance and Administration activities
The candidates should meet our requirements below:
Head of Finance
Univ. Degree in Accounting from reputable university
Strong leadership skill and good team work with minimum supervision
Analytical mind and attention to detail
Responsible for all financial accounting and management report, including monthly closing, consideration
Responsible for developing and implementing Finance and Administration procedure
Knowledge of tax laws and procedures in Indonesia
Provided all information to Head Quarter
Willing to be based on side plan
We offer an attractive remuneration package to the right candidate.
Please send your complete resume with passport sized photograph and expected salary to:

Company Description
A well established and expanded lighting company in Jakarta is seeking an energic and talented candidates to join our team for following position :
Requirement :
Female max 27 years old
Bachelor Degree in Finance/Accounting with GPA min 3.00
Fluent in English is a must
Familiar with computer literacy
Strong accounting and analytical, reporting and problem solving skills with positive attitude
Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph to :
HRD Department
Rukan Taman Meruya Blok M No. 33 A
Jl. Meruya Ilir
Jakarta Barat 11620
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Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Penerimaan CPNS Kemenkopolhukam
Nomor : 001/P.CPNS/Polhukam/10/2008
Diberitahukan bahwa Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia yang berminat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
A. Formasi Jabatan dan Kualifikasi Pendidikan yang dibutuhkan :
Analis Organisasi
Sarjana (S1)
Administrasi Negara
Pengolah Data
Sarjana (S1)
Analis Perencanaan Pelaksana Anggaran
Sarjana (S1)
Administrasi Publik
Perencana Anggaran
Sarjana (S1)
Ekonomi Manajemen
Penelaah Kebijakan Perjanjian Internasional
Sarjana (S1)
Hubungan Internasional
Penelaah Material Hukum
Sarjana (S1)
Hukum Perdata
Penelaah Kerjasama Pertahanan Multilateral
Sarjana (S1)
Hukum Internasional
Penelaah Penanganan Objek Vital
Sarjana (S1)
Hukum Perdata
Penelaah Partisipasi Masyarakat
Sarjana (S1)
Penelaah Pengembangan Kehumasan
Sarjana (S1)
Verifikator Keuangan
Sarjana (S1)
Ekonomi Akuntansi
Sarjana (S1)
Ekonomi Akuntansi
B. Persyaratan Pelamar
1. Persyaratan Umum
a. Warga Negara Indonesia.
b. Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
c. Memiliki Integritas yang tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan
Republik Indonesia.
d. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon/PNS , Calon/Anggota TNI/Polri.
e. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik.
f. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan
sendiri atau tidak hormat sebagai PNS/TNI/Polri atau
diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai swasta.
g. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan
h. Memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi pendidikan (jenjang dan jurusan)
yang sesuai dengan lowongan formasi jabatan.
i. Berkelakuan baik.
j. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
2. Persyaratan Khusus
a. Ijazah pelamar diakui yaitu ijazah yang diperoleh dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang telah mendapat akreditasi.
b. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) bagi pelamar berijazah :
1) Sarjana (S1)/ D4 minimal 2,85 (dua koma delapan lima)
2) Diploma III (D III) minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima).
c. Batas usia bagi pelamar :
1) Minimum 18 tahun pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2008
2) Diploma III (D III) maksimum 27 tahun pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2008
3) Sarjana (S1) / D4 maksimum 30 tahun pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2008
C. Proses Penerimaan CPNS TA. 2008
1. Penerimaan Surat Lamaran
2. Tahap I : Seleksi Administrasi
3. Tahap II : Ujian Tertulis
4. Tahap III : Psikotes dan Wawancara
5. Pengarahan CPNS TA. 2008
D. Penerimaan Surat Lamaran
1. Penerimaan lamaran mulai tanggal 21 — 24 Oktober melalui
PO BOX 2490 JKP 10024.
2. Panitia tidak menerima lamaran yang dikirim langsung.
3. Surat lamaran ditulis tangan dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh
Pelamar dengan menggunakan tinta hitam ditujukan kepada
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan.
4. Menuliskan pada sudut kiri Amplop Lamaran, Kode Jabatan yang dilamar.
5. Pelamar wajib melampirkan berkas administrasi, yaitu :
a. Daftar Riwayat Hidup;
b. Foto Copy Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai yang dilegalisir Asli
oleh Pejabat yang berwenang (Surat Keterangan Lulus Sementara
tidak berlaku);
c. Surat Pernyataan Bebas Narkoba bermaterai Rp. 6000,- (Enam Ribu Rupiah).
d. Pas Foto berwarna terbaru, berlatar belakang merah,
ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 3 lembar.
E. Tahap I : Seleksi Administrasi
1. Berkas lamaran yang telah diterima akan diadakan
seleksi administrasi;
2. Bagi Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi akan
diumumkan melalui situs internet resmi
dan papan pengumuman di kantor Kementerian Koordinator
Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan yang direncanakan tanggal
29 Oktober 2008.
3. Bagi pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi,
dapat mengambil Tanda Peserta Ujian pada,
Tanggal : 30 — 31 Oktober 2008
Pukul : 08.30 — 15.00 WIB
Tempat : Kantor Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Politik,
Hukum dan Keamanan
Gedung A Lantai 6, Jalan Merdeka Barat No. 15
Jakarta Pusat.
Dengan menunjukkan Ijazah terakhir asli kepada Panitia
sebagai bukti untuk Pengambilan Tanda Peserta Ujian.
4. Jumlah Pelamar yang dinyatakan Lulus Seleksi Administrasi
sebanyak-banyaknya 10 x Jumlah Formasi, dengan berdasarkan :
a. Peringkat nilai IPK tertinggi
b. Kompetensi lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan jabatan
yang dibutuhkan
c. Berkas lamaran yang diterima lebih awal oleh Panitia
(Apabila jumlah pelamar yang lulus seleksi administrasi
melebihi 10 x jumlah formasi).
5. Bagi Pelamar/Peserta Ujian yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi
administrasi yang tidak mengambil Tanda Peserta Ujian Tertulis
lewat tanggal 31 Oktober 2008 pukul 15.00 WIB dinyatakan gugur.
F. Tahap II : Ujian Tertulis
1. Dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Nopember 2008
2. Materi Ujian Meliputi :
a. Kompetensi Dasar (TKD)
b. Tes Bahasa Inggris
G. Tahap III : Psikotes dan Wawancara
Ditentukan Kemudian
H. Pengarahan CPNS TA. 2008
Ditentukan Kemudian
I. Lain — lain
1. Pelamar/Peserta penerimaan CPNS TA. 2008
tidak dipungut biaya dalam bentuk apapun;
2. Keputusan Tim Penerimaan CPNS Kementerian Koordinator
Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan TA. 2008 bersifat
mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Jakarta 6 Oktober 2008
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Lowongan CPNS MPR RI 2008 2009
Penerimaan Calon pegawai negeri Sipil Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia
Pengumuman seleksi CPNS MPR RI
Jumlah formasi dan kualifikasi pendidikan
S1 Hukum 2
S1 Ilmu Komunikasi 2
S1 Ekonomi 2
S1 Akuntansi 2
S1 Administrasi Negara 2
Surat lamaran harus sudah diterima paling lambat 17 Oktober 2008 (Cap pos)
Hubungi JPC Gedung Rektorat Universitas Brawijaya Lantai VI (Dr. Ir. Arief Prajitno, MS, HP: 08123268345)
Job vacancy - Lowongan Palang Merah USA
Closing Date: 12-11-08.
American Red Cross (Banda Aceh)
The American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program (TRP) had been established to direct the organization’s response to the South Asia tsunami disaster. The TRP activities focus on integrated community recovery and preparedness interventions in tsunami affected countries in Asia and East Africa in collaboration with Red Cross and non-Red Cross partners. Please visit
The Indonesia TRP Delegation operates from offices in Banda Aceh, Calang, Lamno. It also has liaison offices in Jakarta, and other areas in Aceh province in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross.
The American Red Cross seeks dynamic individuals to fill the :
Psychosocial Support Program - Instructional Officer
(Aceh - Lamno)
Bachelors’ degree in education, social sciences or humanities
Minimum of 1.5 years experience in psychosocial support training in schools and community
Self-supporting in computers (Windows, word processing, PowerPoint presentations)
Language- Proficiency in English (written and spoken).
Interpersonal skills in interacting with diverse groups of people
Manage the training teams in PMI and the instructional unit within the American Red Cross
Curriculum development for Crisis Intervention Specialists course in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Provide technical assistance to PMI in training delivery, content and follow ups.
Maintain training records including list of participants, handouts and evaluations for PMI and American Red Cross PSP.
Coordinate with stakeholders and resource persons to organize training workshops
Any other tasks as assigned
Please submit your application and curriculum vitae to put Job title in Subject line. Only applications in English and short listed candidates will be notified. Applications submitted after October 24, 2008will not be considered
Job career jakarta
PT Wipowell Group
Closing Date: 5-11-08
Lebaran Holiday has now over and a new day shall start in a better way.
Do you want to have a job that is flexible and suit your schedule?
Do you want to earn fast and high income?
Do you want to have good and fast career advancement?
WIPOWELL GROUP is a business and educational center, giving opportunities for you to join us in a fastest growing industry. For those of you who like to learn about business and having new challenges, you can join us as:
Business Program Officer (BPO)
(Jakarta Raya)
Male/Female, minimum 18 years old
Minimum Diploma from any discipline
Dynamic, hardworking and have a high desire to succeed
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Good health condition
Experience is not required but is an advantage
Able to speak English and/or Mandarin
Fresh graduates, housewives, pensioners are welcome to apply
Free orientation and comprehensive training
Attractive income package ($300 - $1100)
Good career prospect both local and international
Don’t Waste Your Time, Your Time is Your Money…
Please send your application letter, complete CV with photograph, via email to:
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Lowongan CPNS Departemen Perindustrian 2008 2009
NOMOR : 1200/SJ.IND.2/PENG/10/2008
Departemen Perindustrian (Deperrin)membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia lulusan Strata 2 (S2), Strata 1 (S1), Diploma 4 (D4), Diploma 3 (D3),untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan Departemen Perindustrian.
Info lengkap klik disini
Lowongan Teknik Industri
PT Indah Kiat Pulp And Paper Tbk Closing Date: 7-11-08 ... JOB OPPORTUNITY ... We, a well-established and multinational Pulp and Paper Company located in Tangerang, is looking for competent, highly motivated, dynamic and qualified person to fill the following position: PPIC Staff (PC)
(Banten - Tangerang)
Male, max 25 years old
Hold S1 degree from Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering with GPA 3,00 (scale 4)
Hard Worker, ready to work under pressure, good working attitude, strong leadership and having a good communication skills especially presentation skill
Excellent in Microsoft Office (excel, word & power point)
Good knowledge in manufacture production procedure is an advantage
Strong analytical, statistical knowledge and problem solving skills
Fluency in English is a must and Mandarin will be an advantage
Willing to be located in Serpong
Please send your complete resume and mark the envelope with position code on the left side of the envelope not more than 14 days from this announcement to the address bellow:
HR Department
PT. INDAH KIAT PULP and PAPER Tbk – Tangerang Mill
Jl. Raya Serpong Km. 8 – 15310
Or please send your application to
Lowongan lain
Nissan Motor Indonesia
Closing Date: 5-11-08
PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car.
Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite young, dynamic, and smart people to join our team, and grow with us.
Production Control Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta (MT Haryono))
To control daily operation of parts complementation
Process regular and additional order from importers
Make purchase order to suppliers
Arrange and monitoring parts export schedule
Conduct actual parts export inspection
Arrange packing and stuffing layout
Prepare export document
Monitoring payment to suppliers and forwarding from importers
Process claim parts
Make export activity report
Hold Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
Preferavle single, max 25 years old
Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written.
Have high analysis skill, good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, can work under pressure.
Have good initiatives, fast learner, able to adapt easily, able to work in team, and able to work in under pressure situation
Hard and also smart worker
Please submit your complete application letter Before November 7, 2008 to:
HRD-GA Division
Gd.Nissan MT.Haryono 3rd floor
Jl. MT.Haryono Kav.10 Jakarta Timur 13330
(Code: Production Control)
Or via email:
(Subject: Production Control)
Only short listed candidates who meet requirement will be notified.
Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Friday, 10 October 2008
Penerimaan CPNS Departemen Perhubungan (Dephub) 2008 2009
P E N G U M U M A N :
Nomor : PM. 11 Tahun 2008
Departemen Perhubungan Republik Indonesia memberi kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita yang memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan D.IV, S-1, dan S-2 atau yang disetarakan untuk mengikuti Seleksi Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Departemen Perhubungan Tingkat Sarjana Formasi Tahun Anggaran 2008.
Info lengkap Klik Web Site dephub
Job Vacancy PT Wahana Unggul Utama Line
Closing Date: 23-10-08
Urgently Required for the Excellent Career Opportunities.....
Trully Serve You... Better ....
PT Wahana Unggul Utama Line launched full frontally in 1990 as the services logistic company (International Freight Forwading, Containerized Cargo,Custom Clearance). Due to fast growth of the company currently we're looking the suitable candidate to join as:
Tele Marketing Executive
(Jakarta Raya)
Making outbound phone calls to new & existing Customers, to generate Sales Leads for follow up by Marketing Executive (to get appointment).
Identify & Quality Customer Transportation needs on the phone.
Engage in Company activity and events.
Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree (D3 degree or equivalent) in any field.
Junior Staff level applicants are encouraged to apply.
1 Full-Time positions available.
Applicants prefereble should be living/residence in Jakarta Utara.
Experience min 1 years same field in International Freight Company.
Ability to communicate in English will be highly prefereble.
Good communication & interpersonal skill, self-motivated, enthusiastic and team work.
Profesional & pleasent attitude on phone and able to work under pressure.
Computer literate (MS Office & Internet, etc).
Preferable Female, below 27 years old.
Please send your complete cv with job description and latest photograph to: or
Other Vacancy
Company Description
Are You Looking for change ?
PT. KN SIGMA TRANS belongs to one of the leading logistics companies worldwide, with a network of own offices in over 90 countries worldwide. For our expanding business we are looking for candidates for position:
Male, max 30 years old
Having at least 2 years experience with similar position in International Freight Forwarding
Knowledge of export & import
Customer satisfaction oriented
General Requirements:
English language skill is a must
Computer literate (Minimum Windows XP)
Communicative, motivated, efficient, independent and interested in career development
Good team work as well as independent worker
Good interpersonal skill and honest
Interesting salary package
Company fringe benefits
Training will be provided if necessary
Good working environment
Send your application with code EI-OS as a subject, Complete CV with full details of main responsibilities, recent photo size 4 X 6 cm and phone number not later than 10 days after this advertisement to:
Put the code in the right envelope
Only short listed Candidates will be notified
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Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Info Pendaftaran CPNS Polri 2008
No.Pol.: Peng/05/IX/2008
Pendaftaran peserta seleksi Pengadaan CPNS Polri sumber pelamar umum T.A. 2008 melalui Kantor Pos dan ditutup tanggal 22 Oktober 2008 (stempel pos) dan berkas paling lambat tanggal 27 Oktober 2008 diterima oleh Panitia
Info Lengkap Silahkan Klik Disini
Job Vacancy Multimedia & Broadcasting
PT Nusantara Vision
We one of the broadcasting & multimedia companies located in Jakarta are offering challenges and opportunities for YOUNG, ENERGETIC AND CREATIVE PEOPLE to join our team as:
Compensation And Benefit Section Head
(Jakarta Raya)
Hold Bachelor Degree from Accounting-Mathematic-Statistic or Management
Minimum 5 years experience in Compensation & Benefit
Have a good knowledge with Goverment Regulation related to C&B system
Hands on using Salary Band, Salary Increment and Matrix Increment
Hands on doing Job Evaluation(grading) and Salary Survey
Hands on Indonesia Employee Tax Regulation
Integrity, strong confidential, analytical thinking, high accurat and detail
Submit your application, CV and recent photograph to:
Gedung Wisma Indovision Lantai 12
Jl. Raya Panjang Z/III Green Garden
Jakarta Barat 11520
Closing Date: 5-11-08
"Art Wedding Bali was established since 2002 with a creative approach to wedding video personalized and customized to each client’s tastes and preferences.
It is a Bali-based company that is managed and run by professional teams, to maintain its video good to excellent production quality because the video will last a very long time for the clients. We developed our credibility through growing satisfied clients and endless referrals.
Further, we have all aspects of production in-house, including production equipments, advanced editing suits and so on."
Cameraman [Bali]
Requirements :
- Able to deliver tasks according to the set quality of standard and problem solver
- Male & Female max 27 years old
- Min D3 in any field
- Min 2 years experience as a cameraman
- Expert on DV camera, HDV camera
- Understands media production programs or wedding
- Understand photography terminology
- Fluent in speaking and writing English is an advantage
- Position based in Bali
- Understand basic editing
Send CV& Showreel:
AVB & Art Wedding Bali
Jl. Kunti II no 99x
Seminyak – Bali 80361
Telp. 0361 736 999
Fax. 0361 736998
Email :
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Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS Departemen Kehutanan 2008
NOMOR : PG.9/PEG-1/2008
Departemen Kehutanan membuka kesempatan kepada para lulusan Diploma III dan Sarjana (S1)) untuk diangkat menjadi calon tenaga fungsional serta tenaga teknis lainnya dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Info Lengkap silahkan klik sumber resmi
Job vacancy
Lowongan Kerja Perusahaan Minyak Sawit

Agrindo Group
Closing Date: 5-11-08
Career Opportunities
Agrindo Group as a large Palm Oil Business aggresive expansion. Invited candidates to fill the following position:
1. Procurement Officer / Buyer
(Jakarta Raya)
Responsible process request of goods from Estate, Mill, Regional Office and Head Officer Purchase Request received until delivered/ distributed the goods.
Seeking potential vendors, prequalification for bidding, quotation evaluation, clarification and negotiation with vendors and making contract management with qualified vendors.
Set up report regarding to plan material requirement and details of materials ordered and received, etc.
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Economics or equivalent.
At least 1 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably specializing in Purchasing/Inventory/Material & Warehouse Management or equivalent.
Fluent in English both written & oral
Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Fresh graduates/ Entry Level applicants are encouraged to apply
Full-Time positions available.
2. Tax Officer
(Kalimantan Tengah - Palangkarya)
The candidate will handle daily, monthly, quarterly and annual tax remittance and reconciling tax transactions on a daily basis
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Tax/ Accounting.
Required skill(s): Brevet A, Brevet B. Familiar with E-SPT.
Maximum 27 years old.
Fluent in English both written & oral.
Applicants must be willing to work in Palangkaraya, Center of Kalimantan.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Fresh graduates/ Entry Level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Full-Time positions available
Please send your application leter with detailed curiculum vitae, and recent photograph to:
Recruitment Agrindo Group
Menara Batavia Lt. 17
Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur Kav. 125 – 126
or email to:
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Label: Lowongan CPNS 2008
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While it is impossible to guess exactly what you will be asked during an interview, you can prepare yourself by developing answers to the most common job interview questions. This kind of preparation will not only help you remain calm during the interview, it will help you READ MORE......Job Interviews- Dress for Success
The phrase “Dress for Success” is one of the most overused bits of advice for job hunters. At the same time, it is also the best advice. As unfair as it may seem, humans judge one another on appearance and worse yet, on clothes. It is very unfortunate that such prejudices can’t be left in junior high school where they belong. That being said, you must make every effort to have the right clothes for the job that you are seeking. READ MORE.....