Thursday 18 July 2013

Lowongan Pilot & Pramugari Garuda 2013

Lowongan Pramugari & pilot

PT Garuda Indonesia
, a global awarded national flag carrier of Indonesia is expanding its extensive range of aircraft fleets from 87 aircraft by 2012 to around 150 by 2015. Garuda is seeking for highly motivated pilots to operate our growing fleet of B737-300/400/500, B737-800NG, CRJ1000 NextGen, A330-200/300, B747-400, and B777-300ER

Experienced Pilot - PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Jakarta Raya


General Requirements:

Rated or Non-rated with previous jet experience

For Captain Position:

Minimum age: 27 and Maximum age: 58
Minimum experience flying Hours: 5000 hours

For First Officer Position:

Maximum age : 58
Minimum experience flying Hours: 500 hours
Holding valid CAO CPLJIR or ATPL license
Holding valid First Class Medical Certificate
Fluent in written and verbal English
Proficient ICAO English minimum Level 4
Passed selection process conducted by Garuda Indonesia
Opportunity for permanent employment

To express your interest in this opportunity please sign in to our e-recruitment website with link as follows:

Our Pilot Recruitment team will review your application and make contact with you should there be Interest in further evaluating your application.

Garuda Indonesia offers a highly attractive compensation & benefits package


Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (Jul 2013) - PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)
Jakarta Raya


Wanita, Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
Berpenampilan dan berkepribadian menarik
Belum pernah menikah
Sehat jasmani dan rohani
Usia minimum 18 tahun dan maksimum 27 tahun
Pendidikan minimum SMA/SMK sederajat, diutamakan lulusan D3 keatas
Tinggi badan minimum 158 cm dan maksimum 172 cm, dengan berat badan yang ideal dan postur tubuh proporsional
Tidak berkacamata dan tidak buta warna
Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan)

Saat Walk In Interview, harap diharapkan :

Surat lamaran
Curriculum vitae
Fotokopi ijazah terakhir
Foto berwarna:
Seluruh badan ukuran postcard (1 Lembar)
Closed up berukuran 4x6 (2lembar)

Peserta seleksi diharapkan :

Berpakaian rapi (blus lengan pendek warna terang dan rok sebatas lutut warna gelap)
Memakai sepatu pantofel (high heels)
Rambut rapi (bagi yang memiliki rambut panjang harap diikat)
Menggunakan make up yang terkesan alami

Walk In Interview

Hari/Tanggal : Setiap Selasa, (09, 16, 23, 30 Juli 2013)
Waktu : pukul 08.00 s/d 12.00 WIB
Tempat : Auditorium Gedung Manajemen Garuda Indonesia
Lt. Dasar PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Alamat : Jl. M1. Area Perkantoran Gedung Garuda City Center,
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Cengkareng

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi

Tim Rekrutmen : 021-2560 1042 / 1038
Ibu Relyn : 021-2560 1040 / 0859 2989 4094
Selama hari kerja (Senin-Jumat) dan jam kantor (07.30-16.30 WIB)

Gabung di facebook / Langganan Lowongan Via Email



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