Job Perum Perumnas
We are a leading Indonesian BUMN engaged in property development and residential areas, invites you for a career as:
Staf Profesional
Diploma 3 (D3) dari Universitas Negeri / Swasta (dengan akreditasi A & B).
1. Latar belakang pendidikan dari Teknik Sipil, Akuntansi, Manajemen Perusahaan, Komunikasi Bisnis, Administrasi Bisnis, Sekretaris Bisnis, Perpajakan
2. IPK minimal 2,8 (skala 4)
3. Usia pada 01 Januari 2014 maksimal 23 tahun.
4. Encijik. berdedikasi, pekerja keras dan ambisius
5. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Perum Perumnas.
6. Pendaftaran ditutup pada 16 November 2013, pukul 17.00 WIB.
Untuk melamar silakan klik disini dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian. Persyaratan berikut harus dikirimkan ke PO BOX 158 YKBS 55281:
Curriculum vitae. Pas foto (4x6), Copy ijazah. Copy transkrip nilai
Rekrutmen Perumnas tidak membedakan jenis kelamin, suku, agama, ras. kedudukan sosial dan tingkat kemampuan ekonomi
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Lowongan Lulusan D3 Perum Perumnas
Gabung di facebook / Langganan Lowongan Via Email
While it is impossible to guess exactly what you will be asked during an interview, you can prepare yourself by developing answers to the most common job interview questions. This kind of preparation will not only help you remain calm during the interview, it will help you READ MORE......Job Interviews- Dress for Success
The phrase “Dress for Success” is one of the most overused bits of advice for job hunters. At the same time, it is also the best advice. As unfair as it may seem, humans judge one another on appearance and worse yet, on clothes. It is very unfortunate that such prejudices can’t be left in junior high school where they belong. That being said, you must make every effort to have the right clothes for the job that you are seeking. READ MORE.....