Lowongan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Pos Indonesia is the state-owned company responsible for providing postal service in Indonesia. It was established with the current structure in 1995 and now operates 11 regional divisions.
Pos Indonesia operates in 11 regional divisions across the country, each covering multiple provinces. Each region operates several hundred inner city, outer city, and remote locations. There are 3,700 post offices nationwide with 3,190 post offices provide money transfer services in cooperation with Western Union.
Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan dan berminat dengan lowongan kerja pos Indonesia ini, maka silahkan kirimkan lamaran anda ke VP Pengelolaan Karir dan Asesmen SDM Kantor Pusat PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) – Jalan Cilaki No 73 Bandung 40115 Cp Mrs Emmy Sihombing or Mrs Yulian Puspitasari Phone 022-4206195 ext 343 .