Friday, 28 November 2014

Lowongan BUMN Jasindo - PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero)

Lowongan Jasindo BUMN Indonesia

Asuransi Jasindo, the marketing brand for PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) is the second largest general insurance company in Indonesia and is wholly owned by the Government of Republic of Indonesia, administrated under the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises.
Its assets worth more than 2 billion Rupiahs with gross written premium more than 2.5 billion Rupiahs, approximately 11% of Indonesian market share among other 95 general insurance companies in the archipelago.

Asuransi Jasindo was established on 2 June 1973. The company itself begun long before the independence of Republic of Indonesia. Asuransi Jasindo came into existence following a very long struggle dating back as early as 1845, as a result of the nationalization of a number of colonial Dutch insurance companies in 1845 such as NV Assurantie Maatshsppij de Nederlander and Bloom Vander, both of which domiciled in Jakarta. Exactly 100 years after the nationalization, Indonesia proclaimed its independence in 1945, leading to the nationalization of Dutch and British insurance companies which then became PT. Asuransi Bendasraya as general insurance operating in rupiah currency and PT. Umum International Underwriters (PT. UIU) a general insurance company operating in foreign currency.

PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) – Asuransi Jasindo yang bergerak di bidang Asuransi Kerugian membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk posisi :

Tenaga Marekting Syariah
Tenaga Marketing Konvensional
Pengemudi / Driver Kepala Cabang


Pendidikan minimal SMA (3), S1/D3 (1,2)
Domisili Kota Banjarmasin (1,2,3)
Pengalaman di bidang Marketing Perbankan lebih diutamakan (1,2)
Jujur, mandiri, dapat dipercaya dan dapat bekerja secara individu dan team (1,2,3)
Memiliki SIM A (3)
Mengerti wilayah Banjarmasin dan sekitarnya (3)
Bersedia bekerja lembur dan keluar kota jika diperlukan (3)
Mampu merawat kendaraan dengan baik (3)
Laki-laki (3)

Pengajuan Lamaran

Surat Lamaran disertai riwayat hidup dapat dikirimkan ke :

PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero)
Jl. Jend. A. Yani KM. 2.5 No. 137C, Banjarmasin 70236
E-mail :

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