Showing posts with label PALEMBANG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PALEMBANG. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Job Vacancy Bank DBS Indonesia, Lowongan Bank Terbaru 2 Posisi

Lowongan Bank Terbaru 2 Posisi, Job Vacancy Bank DBS Indonesia

Placement : Jakarta, Surabaya, Makasar, Medan, Palembang, Pekan Baru, Pontianak, Samarinda.

PT Bank DBS Indonesia is a subsidiary of DBS Bank. DBS is one of the largest financial services groups in Asia with operations in 16 markets. Headquartered in Singapore, DBS is a well-capitalized bank with "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings that are among the highest in the Asia-Pacific region. DBS provides the full range of services in corporate, SME, consumer and wholesale banking activities across Asia and the Middle East. With expansion of the Bank, we are looking for high caliber individuals for the following positions to be located in several areas :

Treasures Relationship Manager (TRM)

Treasures Relationship Manager will be responsible to grow the bank’s market share by acquiring new customers and by strengthening relationship with existing customers.

Requirements :

More than 2 years experience as Priority Banking Relationship Manager with proven track record in sales and service
Min. Bachelor Degree (S1)
Possess a good understanding of wealth management products
Self-driven and highly motivated
Proficient in MS Office applications
Possess good interpersonal and negotiation skill
Proficient in English conversation and writing
Fluency in Mandarin will be an advantage
Possess relevant certification in various wealth management products such as AAJI (Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia) and WAPERD (Wakil Agen Penjual Efek Reksadana) would be an advantage

Relationship Officer (RO)

Relationship Officer will be responsible in acquiring new customers to the bank trough the sales of the bank’s product and service to new customers.


Year experience as sales preferably in banking industry or other financial industry (insurance, security, etc)
Min. Bachelor Degree (S1)
Possess a good understanding of wealth management products
Self-driven and highly motivated
Proficient in MS Office applications
Possess good interpersonal and negotiation skill
Proficient in English conversation and writing
Fluency in Mandarin will be an advantage
Possess relevant certification in various wealth management products such as AAJI (Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia) and WAPERD (Wakil Agen Penjual Efek Reksadana) would be an advantage

Competitive remuneration packages and medical benefits, which may include housing transportation and personal loans, will be offered to successful candidates. Please submit your application letter and CV by email to :

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Saturday 8 December 2007


Klien kami, PT PUPUK SRIWIDJAJA (PUSRI) membutuhkan karyawan untuk ditempatkan di berbagai bidang unit kerja sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan, sbb. :

A. Engineer, S-1
Bidang Keahlian / Pendidikan Jumlah Kode
Teknik Kimia 2 orang PUSRI-TK
Teknik Mesin 6 orang PUSRI-TM
Teknik Elektro 2 orang PUSRI-TE
Teknik Fisika 2 orang PUSRI-TF
Teknik Elektronika 2 orang PUSRI-TEL
Teknik Sipil 1 orang PUSRI-TS
Teknik Arsitektur 1 orang PUSRI-TA
Teknik Industri 2 orang PUSRI-TI

B. Staf Manajemen dan Staf Hukum, S-1
Ekonomi Manajemen 4 orang PUSRI-EKM
Akuntansi 4 orang PUSRI-AKT
Komunikasi/Public Relation 1 orang PUSRI-KOM
Hukum 4 orang PUSRI-SHK

C. Psikolog, profesi
Psikologi 1 orang PUSRI-PSI

D. Mekanik/Teknisi/Ahli Madya, D-3 atau Politeknik
Teknik Kimia 3 orang PUSRI-TKD
Teknik Mesin 13 orang PUSRI-TMD
Teknik Listrik 5 orang PUSRI-TLD
Teknik Instrumen 5 orang PUSRI-IND
Teknik Elektronika 2 orang PUSRI-ELD
Teknik Sipil 1 orang PUSRI-TSD
Teknik Komputer 2 orang PUSRI-KPD
Akuntansi atau Perpajakan 13 orang PUSRI-AKD
Kesehatan Lingk./Kesehatan Masyr. 1 orang PUSRI-KED

E. Operator, SLTA
Operator Pabrik: SMU/MAN IPA/A1/A2,
SMK Jurusan Mesin/Listrik/Kimia
76 orang PUSRI-OPS
Operator Pabrik: SMU/MAN IPA/A1/A2,
SMK Jurusan Mesin/Listrik/Kimia 6 orang PUSRI-OAW

F. Analisis Kimia, SMK
Sakma atau SMK Kimia
6 orang PUSRI-AKI

G. Store Keeper, SLTA
4 orang PUSRI-SK

Persyaratan Umum :

Warga Negara Indonesia, berkelakuan Baik
Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani, tidak buta warna
Tidak terikat dengan instansi atau perusahaan lain
Umur maksimum :
Kelompok A dan B 28 thn,
Kelompok C 30 thn,
Kelompok D 25 thn;
Kelompok E PUSRI-OPS 22 thn,
Kelompok E PUSRI-OAW 34 thn,
Kelompok F PUSRI-AKI 22 thn ;
Kelompok G PUSRI-SK 28 thn.
Indek Prestasi (IP) minimal :
Kelompok A dan C 2,75 ;
Kelompok B 3,0 ;
Kelompok D 2,75 kecuali PUSRI-AKD dan PUSRI-KED 3,00
Nilai rata-rata (NEM) Kelompok E PUSRI-OPS dan Kelompok F PUSRI-AKI 6,5 ;
Nilai rata-rata (NEM) Kelompok E PUSRI-OAW dan Kelompok G PUSRI-SK 6,0.
Batas Usia dihitung per 01 Desember 2007
Bagi yang pernah melamar via Pusri sebelumnya, harus mengirimkan ulang surat lamarannya
Pelamar yang tidak mendapat surat panggilan 30 hari setelah iklan ini dimuat, dianggap tidak memenuhi persyaratan.
Persyaratan Khusus :

Psikolog : lebih disukai yang memiliki sertifikat Profesi Psikologi Industri/Organisasi
Operator (PUSRI - OPS) : laki-laki, tinggi badan minimal 160 cm, tidak berkaca mata
Belum Menikah : untuk Kelompok D, Kelompok E PUSRI-OPS dan Kelompok F
Operator Alat Berat dan Welder (PUSRI - OAW) : berpengalaman dalam bidangnya minimal 2 tahun.
Store Keeper (Pusri-SK) : laki-laki, pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
Kirim surat lamaran Anda disertai daftar riwayat hidup (CV), foto copy ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir (cap basah), pasfoto terakhir 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar selambat-lambatnya diterima tgl 10 Desember 2007 dengan mencantumkan kode disiplin ilmu dipojok kiri atas dan ditujukan kepada :


Note : Dianjurkan pelamar menggunakan formulir lamaran komputer yang dapat didownload di atau diperoleh di Kantor Pos terdekat (khusus Sumsel)

Info lengkap mengenai info pendaftaran dan formasi silhkan DownloadDi sini

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