Sunday 15 March 2015

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Bank Mandiri Tbk

Lowongan PT Bank Mandiri, Tbk

Bank Mandiri was established on 2 October 1998, as part of the bank restructuring program of the Government of Indonesia. In July 1999, four state-owned banks - Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Exim and Bapindo - were amalgamated into Bank Mandiri.
The history of these four banks can be traced back to over 140 years, and together they had contributed to thebeginning of the Indonesian banking sector.

Kriya Mandiri-Frontliner

(Jawa Barat - Bandung, Purwakarta, Cikampek, Karawang, Sukabumi)


Bank Mandiri memberikan kesempatan kepada lulusan Perguruan Tinggi mengikuti program belajar bekerja terpadu (magang) di Bank Mandiri melalui program Kriya Mandiri. Melalui program ini, Bank Mandiri akan mempersiapkan Anda masuk dunia kerja dengan bekal pengalaman yang memadai.

Periode program ini adalah 1 tahun. Jika berhasil dalam peride program tersebut, Anda akan diberikan insentif prestasi.


Lulusan SMU / SMK (Nilai rapor rata - rata kelas 3 minimum 6.5)
D1 - S1 (minimum IPK 2.5)
Usia miniimum 18.00 sampai 24.00 Tahun
Berpenampilan Menarik
Sehat jasmani dan rohani
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Tidak pernah terlibat narkoba dan pelanggaran hukum lainnya

Untuk melamar kunjungi di sini : Lowongan bank Mandiri

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While it is impossible to guess exactly what you will be asked during an interview, you can prepare yourself by developing answers to the most common job interview questions. This kind of preparation will not only help you remain calm during the interview, it will help you READ MORE......

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