Sunday 15 March 2015

Lowongan Terbaru Telkomsel - PT Telekomunikasi Selular

Lowongan PT Telekomunikasi Selular
Telkomsel is a brand name of a GSM and UMTS Mobile phone network operator which is operating in Indonesia. It was founded in 1995, and is a subsidiary of Telkom Indonesia. The company currently has 122 million subscribers. Telkomsel Operates in Indonesia with GSM 900-1800 MHz, 3G network, and internationally, through 323 international roaming partners in 170 countries
(end of September 2008). The company provides its subscribers with the choice between three prepaid cards-simPATI, Loop and Kartu As, or the post-paid kartuHalo service, as well as a variety of value-added services and programs.

PT Telekomunikasi Selular membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi:

Customer Service

penempatan di GraPARI Semarang dan Yogyakarta.

Deskripi Pekerjaan Customer Service Telkomsel :

Melayani pelanggan serta memberikan informasi dengan jelas mengenai jasa layanan klien kami
Mengidentifikasi dan mencatat permasalahan atau keluhan pelanggan.
Menangani berbagai keluhan dan menyelesaikan keluhan pelanggan.
Menyediakan info produk, program dan jasa layanan.


Pria / wanita
Umur maksimal 28 tahun
Tinggi dan berat proporsional
Berwajah dan berpenampilan menarik
Pendidikan min D3 dari semua disiplin ilmu
IPK min 2.5
Bahasa Inggris aktif dan pasif (paham artikulasi)
Memiliki jiwa pelayanan yang baik
Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan bersedia bekerja shift
Menguasai MS Office Word dan Excell


Gaji pokok
Berbagai tunjangan menarik
Asuransi kesehatan

Pendaftaran Lamaran

Bagi yang berminat bekerja di Grapari Telkomsel, silakan mengirimkan lamaran lengkap (Surat Lamaran, CV, FC KTP, ijazah, transkrip nilai, Foto berwarna 4X6) via pos atau email ke :

PT. MitraComm Ekasarana
Jl. Majapahit No. 71-73
Ruko Saka Square No. A9 Lt.3 Semarang
Email :,

Gabung di facebook / Langganan Lowongan Via Email



While it is impossible to guess exactly what you will be asked during an interview, you can prepare yourself by developing answers to the most common job interview questions. This kind of preparation will not only help you remain calm during the interview, it will help you READ MORE......

Job Interviews- Dress for Success

The phrase “Dress for Success” is one of the most overused bits of advice for job hunters. At the same time, it is also the best advice. As unfair as it may seem, humans judge one another on appearance and worse yet, on clothes. It is very unfortunate that such prejudices can’t be left in junior high school where they belong. That being said, you must make every effort to have the right clothes for the job that you are seeking. READ MORE.....